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Virtual Success - Video Call Etiquette Tips

Virtual meetings have become part of working life in 2020. We have all been using these online video tools to present, pitch, confer, interview and short list.   

This form of communication, whether Zoom, Facetime, Microsoft Teams etc, is becoming central to our home and work life. Understanding the software and its functions is crucial for professionals when speaking with colleagues, attending webinars or networking.

Here are our tips for a productive virtual meeting:

  • Preparation

Get ready for the meeting beforehand and join 5 mins early, look engaged and willing to contribute and listen. Check your technology; does your camera work, is your volume setting right?

  • Food and drink

It is okay to have water, tea or coffee on the call, make sure you don’t have a joke mug! 

  • Backdrop Change

Changing the backdrop to a custom-made scene can spice up your home office, although the rendering can sometimes be jarring to watch for long periods. Check  how you look when you are on camera, how much can the viewer see.

  • Unmute

The call often starts with the camera and microphone muted. Be sure to unmute before starting to speak to avoid the need for others to cup their ears and inform you of your silence. Ask the others if they can hear and see you okay?

  • Time is money

Try to be as courteous with time as possible – the art of good conversation is ensuring everyone has an opportunity to join in the discussion. If you are the moderator, ideally confirm how long you would like people to talk beforehand.

  • No multitasking

Your meeting demands your full attention, otherwise it is not worth attending in the first place.

  • Put your hand up

Instead of physically putting your hand up, simply click the hand icon to inform the Chair that you would like to contribute.

  • Treat it like a face to face meeting

It is worth dressing up rather than down for a virtual meeting. Working from home and lockdown have left the smarter clothes hanging in the wardrobes, so why not dust them off?

  • Minimise interruptions

Stopping certain interruptions is not always possible (such as deliveries or the ring on your doorbell) but warning others of any potential disturbance is always polite.  Using a headset can reduce external noise and shut doors, windows and blinds if necessary.

Most importantly, focus, smile & enjoy!

The team at Moon Executive Search have decades worth of invaluable experience in search and selection campaigns as well as thought leadership articles and reports. This experience allows us to quickly understand the best candidates to put forward for the process. Contact Moon Executive Search and see how we can find the perfect executive to fit your culture.