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Bristol Civic Society Seeks Chair

Key Information:

 Location: Central Bristol.

  • Quarterly Management Meetings in the evening for approximately 2 hours

  • Time commitment of approximately ½ to 1 day per week

  • Salary: volunteer position, expenses for travel and administrative expenditure.

The Bristol Civic Society (BCS) is an independent, voluntary organisation that exists to improve Bristol’s built environment and celebrate its heritage. They work towards ensuring that Bristol lives up to its status as a regional capital, reflected in its cityscape, cultural activities, and economic life. Their activities aim at making Bristol a place that its citizens are proud of, and a place that people want to visit, especially through its buildings, facilities, and public spaces.

 Bristol Civic Society has existed as a society for over 100 years and has over 600 members, a number that is still growing. They are an influential organisation that has developed and is involved with a number of projects and discussions in transport and public space policy and major building development proposals. They also put on a varied events programme and publish a bi-annual magazine – Better Bristol.

They are now seeking a new Chair to act as an ambassador and the public face of BCS. The Chair will build and sustain relationships with the City Council, developers, community groups, and media. Some of their key responsibilities include:

  • Providing leadership to the Management Team and the organisation to enable it to fulfil its charitable purpose.

  • Overseeing the operation of the organisation and its effective governance as a Charity and ensuring sound financial health of the charity.

  • Ensuring that governance arrangements are working in the most effective way for the organisation.

  • Chairing meetings of the management team effectively and efficiently, bringing impartiality and objectivity to the decision-making process.

  • Increasing and widening the membership to be more representative of the City.


The successful candidate will be passionate about Bristol and committed to supporting high-quality new developments and to opposing projects that will harm the City. They will be comfortable working with volunteers and mindful of the fact that they can be very different from paid employees. The Chair will be an enthusiastic leader who is capable of encouraging positive change in the organisation and addressing any conflicts within it, whilst ensuring that the strategic direction for the organisation is set and regularly assessed and monitored.

We’re interested in hearing from individuals who have the skills to work with key stakeholders and volunteers, and a passion for Bristol.

For further details and to apply, please contact Sandy Hinks for a briefing pack via quoting reference MC2392.

Moon Executive Search